How Do Memory Foam Mattresses Work?

By now, you're probably already familiar with memory foam and it's popularity. You may have seen commercials for it or advertised online somewhere. Since the late 1980's, it has become increasingly popular in the mattress industry... but why? Many people have found it to be very comfortable to sleep on and it is especially helpful to people who suffer from chronic back problems or insomnia. With memory foam bedding, you can alleviate stress and sleep more comfortably compared to other types of mattresses that are in the marketplace.

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Where did this material originate?

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Originally, NASA developed memory foam as a way to ease impact for astronauts who were in flight. The idea was to alleviate the impact that was caused during acceleration and deceleration in flight. Although the original intention didn't pan out the way they wanted to, people found other uses for it, specifically within the bedding industry.

How does memory foam work?

Memory foam insulates and reacts to changes in temperature, as well as pressure. As your body touches this Viscoelastic foam, it contours around you reacting to both your body temperature and pressure. This provides good support for your pressure points, especially along the spine and back. The pressure distributes evenly across your entire body, allowing you to sleep more soundly. As you shift and change positions during your sleep, you are less likely to awake during the night because the foam will automatically adjust and re-contour with your shape.

How do different mattresses vary?

Mattresses made with this material come within a variety of densities. Generally, high-quality memory foam can range between 4lb to 8lb in density. Also, there are different levels of firmness associated with this material. The scale used to measure the firmness is known as the IFD rating, which stands for "indentation force deflection." IFD ratings as low as 10 tend to be very soft, while a rating of 12 or more tends to be firmer. Typically, the higher the IFD rating, the firmer the mattress is. Note: firmness/softness depends on both the IFD rating and density.

Where can I find the best products?

How Do Memory Foam Mattresses Work?
Simmons Baby Furniture

Round Brown Ottoman Folding Foam Beds