Antique Wheelchair - The Antique Wheelchair Scam

What you should know before buying an antique wheelchair. If you're on the road to buying an antique wheel chair, you should know that it's going be a bumpy one. First of all, if you think that the best way of buying an antique wheelchair is windows shopping then you're wrong.

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There are a lot of sites out there that commercialize antiques, including antique wheelchairs. In my opinion the best way of buying one is to go to an auction website. You'll find plenty of options there.

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You'll find a lot of bargains, and a lot of pricy junk. You should know that antique wheelchairs start at about 200, 250 $, but you can also find some priced at thousands of dollars.

It all depends on how old the chair is, who it belonged to, and most important the antique wheel chair's condition. If you find an antique chair on wheels that the seller claims it belonged to a famous person, do some research first. Start by going on a search engine and try to find as much information as possible about that particular collectible.

Also, you could try going to the library, there is a lot of information available in a library that you couldn't find on the Internet. Try going to a museum that has some antique wheelchairs, and ask the person responsible for a list of dealers.

When you find enough antique dealers, try to get to know them better, show them what you're interested in, if they don't have it, they most surely have trustworthy contacts that might help in your search or even be in possession of your desired item. Also if you find a wheelchair that you might want you can rely yourself on the expertise of an antique dealer to help you figure out if the wheel chair is a reproduction or not.

If your search will resume only on the Internet, on auction sites and such, know that you might very easy be fooled. From the pictures the seller sends you it would be very hard to figure out if the item you're purchasing is good or not.

The pictures could be processed on a computer to remove signs of dents, scratches and such. So, always try to buy from a seller that has high reputation on that website.

See if the seller's past auctions have been satisfying to the buyers, most auction sites have a logbook with comments from buyers of past sales. Don't be fooled by extravagant ads, an extravagant ad is not always the best. Most sellers like to keep it simple and informative and that's best in my opinion.

As I said before, buying an antique wheel chair that doesn't have dents, scratches or is chipped is just a matter of luck or finding a high reputation seller. Also, ask the seller if the item has been repaired, because a repaired antique is just as worthy as flawed relic.

Keep these few tips in mind and may your antique wheelchair purchase be a successful one.

Antique Wheelchair - The Antique Wheelchair Scam
Simmons Baby Furniture

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